Principal Message

Dear Parents,

Learning starts soon after birth and this process continues. Children keep learning new things every moment- some good some bad. All children are born alike; it is the ENVIRONMENT that makes the difference.

All of us tend to work towards remote goals for want of finding suitable ways to attain what we should aspire for, because our future success is related to these aspirations. Goal directed behavior calls for motivation to work extensively and intensively for a future achievement target. This is the conceptual aim of the school which strongly believes in “GOAL ORIENTED APPROACH”.

The curriculum of the school focuses on academics as well as co- curricular activities keeping in mind the all-round development of the child. I take immense pride in stating that The Scholar School is really blessed with boundless talent in all its three wings – Pre-primary, Primary and Middle, each buzzing with its own set of activities.

Best Wishes


Contact Info
Opposite paper Mill Katili, Gram Shankarpur, sitapur Uttar Pradesh 201306
PH:- 7388301708
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