Devansh Curriculam

The innovative curriculum for the Pre-Primary of Frame International School is to bring about the objective by reinforcing concepts, ideas, skills and activities at this stage not only from the teacher’s point of view but also for the parents to comprehend what is being done in the classroom.

The main thrust of our curriculum is based on innovative and creative activities in and outside the classroom. Children love the curriculum which is different and packed with exciting things to do, experience and learn. We have a well-planned pre-school program which consists of the following integrated project based activities:

Well Planned goals:


The biggest challenge any teacher faces is capturing the students’ attention and putting across ideas in such a way that it stays with them long after they have left the classroom. For this to happen effective innovative ideas are implemented for better classroom experiences. Teachers reinvent their teaching methods and make their classes interesting. We take projects per year that is the base of our curriculum. We keep on introducing new projects taking along the previous ones. Listed below are some of the strategies we follow.

  • CREATIVE TEACHING- the help of creative tools to stimulate creativity, we include playful games or visual exercises that excite the young minds and capture their interest. Also, this encourages them to come up with their ideas and gives them the freedom to explore.
  • E-LEARNING- We in-cooperate e-learning in our sessions with power point presentations, movies, pictorial materials and audio-visual tools that help their imagination thrive and grow and understand the concepts better.
  • BRAINSTORMING-  These sessions are a great way to get the creative juices flowing with multiple brains focusing on one single idea to get numerous ideas involving everyone into discussions.
  • REAL WORLD LEARNING– We link our lessons to real world learning infusing real world experiences. Relating and demonstrating to real life situations makes material easy to understand and learn. It sparks their interests and makes the sessions all the more interesting.
  • CLASSES OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM- Some lessons are best learnt, when they are taught outside the classroom in the lap of nature. Children find it fresh and exciting and the learning remains forever with them.
  • ROLE PLAY- Teaching through role play, story dramatization, dance, music, rhymes are a great way to make children step out of their comfort zone and develop their inter personal skills.
  • SUBJECT INTEGRATION-  Our curriculum is structured to nourish the whole being-the mind, heart and body. So all the activities are creatively balanced with the subjects to bring about the best learning.
  • ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING-  It involves working with range of available evidences throughout the process of activities that enables the teacher to check the child’s performance and keep the track of one’s progress, identify the learning gaps, their strengths and weaknesses, anecdotes and help them overcome using various remedial strategies.


Evaluations are conducted according to uniform system of assessment.


The School Curriculum Plan (Syllabus) will include:

  • Subject focused meaningful objectives
  • Mapping of units with intellectual objectives
  • Resources/activities to achieve the unit wise intellectual objectives
  • intellectual outcomes
  • Assessment directives
  • Feedback
Contact Info
Opposite paper Mill Katili, Gram Shankarpur, sitapur Uttar Pradesh 201306
PH:- 7388301708
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