Chairman Message

Dear Parents,

Education is the passport to future. The whole purpose of education isn't to limit itself to bestowing merely bookish knowledge, but also to instil helpful qualities like astuteness, sympathy, fearlessness, modesty, uprightness and dependability in a student. This education not only advances self, but society as a whole.

A school provide knowledge to students, instils in them sound values, develops their skills and nurtures their interest for learning. It sets the context for their future learning, and prepares them to be more confident and self-directed learners. It also shapes their mental and physical health, and provides them with the environment for overall development and well-being.

At Devansh educational institute our focus has been on faculty development- providing training to teachers on a regular basis so that teachers can deliver real value education and excellence in academics. Teachers are prepared not only to teach well but on the other hand are relied upon to rouse certainty and trust in their students and become good examples. Further, the School inculcates in the students a respect for tradition and ensures discipline and good manners which shapes their character.

Devansh educational institute guides students to find out about themselves and develop their passion, gives them opportunities to express themselves with confidence. Teachers are constantly working hard, motivating students and guiding them to reach their full potential.

At DEI we work toward enhancing student overall personality.

We are certain that this school is the best spot for your youngster. We respect your dynamic intrigue and association in the advancement and exercises of your kid. We anticipate your ceaseless help.

Best Wishes
Harshit Srivastava

Contact Info
Opposite paper Mill Katili, Gram Shankarpur, sitapur Uttar Pradesh 201306
PH:- 7388301708
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